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Providers with a master's degree and at least two years work experience.
Nurse Practitioners in Psychiatry (NPs) complete 4 years of Nursing School followed by 3 years of specialized training in Mental Health at the Masters (MSN) or Doctoral level (DNP). Nurse Practitioners can prescribe medications. Some nurse practitioners also provide psychotherapy services.
Providers who can prescribe medication and have completed medical school and residency.
Providers with a doctorate in psychology and who may have experience in research or academic settings.
Providers with a master's degree who work under the guidance of a more experienced provider.
Sessions tend to be structured, with an engaged and goal-oriented approach. Providers may sometimes assign work for you to complete outside of session.
Sessions focus on confronting and processing trauma. Providers may focus on behavioral techniques including exposure and desensitization, or on approaches that impact trauma-related stress responses in the body.
Sessions focus on creating safe, accepting, non-judgmental and self-led explorative spaces in which you can better understand who you are, unlock your potential, and break unhelpful old patterns of behavior.
Sessions combine elements of other cognitive and behavioral therapies with mindfulness practices and meditation.
Sessions focus on developing awareness of the body and its sensations in order to better understand how emotions and trauma are stored within it, and may involve activities that focus on reducing the intensity of symptoms and enhance emotional regulation.
Sessions focus on helping you develop insight and understanding about how past experiences and conflicts can affect current behavior.
Sessions focus on the relationships between partners, address patterns of conflict, and provide opportunities to practice healthy communication.